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[Job-Vacancy] Fw: Flash Opportunity Novotel Semarang [2 Attachments]

Friday, February 14, 2014

[Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin included below]

On Tuesday, February 11, 2014 11:16 AM, MARPAUNG Renta <Renta.MARPAUNG@accor.com> wrote:

Thank you and best regards
     Renta Marpaung (Ms.)
       HR – Secretary
       Tel: +62 21 574 4414
       Fax: +62 21 574 6202
       Wisma 46 - Kota BNI, 14th Floor
       Jl. Jend. Sudirman, Kav. 1, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia

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Attachment(s) from Arzanela Arifin | View attachments on the web

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