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[Job-Vacancy] Behavioral Event Interview - 4 Desember 2012

Wednesday, November 21, 2012


One Day Workshop - HRD Forum
Behavioral Event Interview
How To Make Behavioral Interviewing More Practical
Rp 1.850.000,-  4 Desember 2012

Course Overview
Interview yang terstruktur, terarah dan terpola berbasis behavior atau Behavioral Event Interview (BEI) mempunyai akurasi yang cukup tinggi dalam menggali semua hal yang dibutuhkan dalam proses rekrutmen, competency assessment, performance potential assessment (performance prediction), gap skills & behavior analysis. Sekitar 70% hal-hal yang dibutuhkan mampu digali dan ini merupakan hasil validasi tertinggi dibandingkan teknik-teknik dan tes-tes yang lain.
BEI mulai dikenal sebagai salah satu tools HRD ketika konsep competency base mendapat tempat didunia bisnis. BEI dikembangkan dari konsep investigasi dan introgasi intelejen dan militer serta kepolisian dalam mengorek dan menggali informasi strategis sesuai kebutuhan. Konsep ini kemudian dibawa kedalam dunia bisnis dan HRD dengan memasukkan unsur-unsur psikologi dan humanistik disesuaikan dengan kondisi yang ada. Ini kemudian lebih dikenal sebagai BEI versi klasik, yakni versi dan model yang mempunyai sistem komprehensif tapi membutuhkan waktu yang lama dalam prosesnya.
Dalam workshop ini peserta akan diajarkan teknik BEI versi non klasik yang lebih praktikal dan langsung pada inti competency yang hendak digali tanpa melalui proses yang rumit dan berbelit-belit.
Course Objectives:
Learn how to use behavioral interviewing as an effective interviewing technique
Understand the potential legal concerns related to interviewing, including particular questions and comments to avoid
Use the unique, Our six-step model for constructing job-related interviews
Identify the skills and behaviors critical to success
Use test data as a resource in the interview process  
Listen carefully for complete responses from candidates
Probe effectively for missing information
Use techniques to deal with difficult candidates
Document and decline appropriately
Increase comfort and confidence as a skilled interviewer 

Course Facilitator
Heru Wiryanto
He has personally supervised assessment process improvement efforts in more than twenty organizations. Most recently, Mr. Heru led the strategic redesign and deployment effort for many manufacturing and services company. This engagement included the creation of a new Strategic Assessment system based on the competency based system. He also assisted the International Personnel Management Assoc Assessment Council in New methodology.  He has designed training solutions and facilitated team activity and served as a consultant to management.  Mr. Heru has a  degree in Psychology from the Padjadjaran University.  He is a member of the American Psychologist Association, International Society for Performance Improvement, American Society for Training and Development, British Psychologist Society,.  He has strong and solid experience in statistical and data utility analysis, validation research and Master Trainer in Assessment Center methods and Performance Based Interview.

Rp. 1.850.000,-
Please bring notebook
BCA - KCP Ahmad Yani - Bekasi
No. Rek : 739 041 0829  a/n  Bahari Antono

Hotel Balairung
Jl. Matraman Raya No. 19 Jakarta 
09.00 - 16.00 WIB

Information & Registration
Ms. Rani Kartika
0815 1049 0007

Email  : Event@HRD-Forum.com
Website : www.HRD-Forum.com

Pendaftaran Via SMS : 0815 1049 0007 ; 08788 1000 100

Registration Form BEI
Name                    : ........................
Company               : ......................
Address                : .....................
Phone/HP              : ......................
E-mail                    : .......................
Date of Transfer       : ......................

Interview Builder™ Software
"This is the best hiring system I've ever seen SA,Xerox
Other companies offer programs to help you "win the talent wars," but only Interview BuilderTM offers a tactical system, a specific process for filling any position with great people. Other companies' programs are more "strategic" and academic, and when it comes down it, not nearly as effective.
Interview Builder™ is an easy-to-use, CD-Rom program that contains an extensive database of about 40 behavioral competencies, with scores of target behaviors (interview "answers") and corresponding interview questions (about 1,000 interview questions in all!). Behavioral interview questions combined with target behaviors are written at three levels: 1) non-exempt, or support level; 2) technical/professional; 3) manager, or leader. Interviewers quickly compose customized behavioral interviews from an extensive list of job-specific competencies. An Interview Guide is produced that can be used during and after the interview to record comments, evaluations and establish a legal record. Interview Builder™ can be used for:
Internal and External Recruitment and Selection
Performance Evaluation/Coaching
Career Development
Succession Planning
Competency Modeling

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